From the Desk of Steve Shultz:
This is one of the most important Elijah Streams interviews we've ever done.
Because Prophet Charlie Shamp gets right to the "meat" of many prophecies that the Lord has given him FOR RIGHT NOW, FOR TODAY, including but not limited to:
America's Space Race, Riots, Washington DC, prophecies for Los Angeles and the state of California, and Revival that's about to hit the USA and the Body of Christ!
Whatever you do, don't miss this episode, and be SURE to forward it to all your friends!
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Steve Shultz, Founder and Publisher
The Elijah List & Elijah Streams TV

"National Prophecies Coming to Pass!"
Charlie Shamp with Steve Shultz on Elijah Streams TV
Steve Shultz interviewed Charlie Shamp LIVE on June 17, 2020. Charlie discussed many prophecies that have already come to pass, as well as others yet to come, such as protests/riots, blackouts, racial healing, 2020 elections and much more.
You won't want to miss out on the detailed prophecies in this interview! Watch the Replay Now, here, or click on the image below.
(To watch more videos or subscribe to our Elijah Streams YouTube page click here.)
Charlie Shamp and The Elijah List
Destiny Encounters
Charlie and Brynn Shamp are the founders of Destiny Encounters International. They have a true passion for revival and the glory of God. Compelled by the heart of the Father to seek and save the lost, they are releasing God's love to the world seeing the captives delivered, the sick healed, and lives changed. Charles and Brynn believe that through outreach, missions, and crusade evangelism, one life changed can impact a nation and transform a generation. Charles and Brynn have answered the call to lead a generation in the movement of both the Word and the Spirit. With the power of an encounter they are truly unlocking a generation's destiny one heart at a time.