From the Desk of Steve Shultz:
As I read through Steve Porter's recent word I thought of this Scripture: "All the earth worships You and sings praises to You; they sing praises to Your name" (Psalm 66:4).
It's amazing seeing all of creation displaying the glory of the Lord, including the birds!
Steve Porter writes a fascinating word about the "Hummingbird" and the prophetic message we can receive through them.
"...We live in a time where everyone is in a hurry to get somewhere, to grow up, to get through prayer time, and move on to other things. Plus, our pressure-cooker society doesn't make it any easier for us. We all have extensive lists of things to do, so we rush around in circles trying to complete them. Let's take a moment to see what we can learn from our friends the hummingbirds."
I won't give it away...but believe me, this is a must read! Enjoy this word by Steve Porter. (To Subscribe to the Elijah List subscribe here.)
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Steve Shultz, Founder and Publisher
The Elijah List & Breaking Christian News

My dear maternal grandmother passed down to me a special love for birds. Thankfully, I still have a bird book she gave me when I was just a child. I've spent quite a few years watching these beautiful creatures from afar. Our yard is filled with bird feeders, birdhouses, and even a birdbath.
For ages, I've collected bread to take to places where birds gather, so I feel comforted to know that their bellies are full. When my girls were small, we often went to feed the birds together. I often reminded them of the Scripture that declares that if God feeds the birds of the air, He will not fail to provide for us. We never have to worry about things outside our control because He has promised never to leave or forsake us and is keeping an eye on whatever concerns us. No matter how challenging our issues, we need to let go and give them to God, because He's the only one who can help. To put it simply: He's on the job, caring for you.
Anyway, I'm not just here to talk about any ordinary bird today, but rather a bird so beautiful that it makes my heart leap every time I catch a quick glimpse: the hummingbird! Oh, how I love those tiny birds!
One afternoon I sat in my yard and asked the Lord what I could learn from the hummingbird. Were there truths or prophetic applications I could glean from those beautiful creatures? I'm not sure I ever asked Him that question before, but He honored it and this special prophetic message found its place. I hope you'll take a moment to get as comfortable as you would if you were sitting down to talk with a friend.
The Hummingbird
In the spring, the hummingbird can often be seen zipping around nectar feeders and flowers across the Americas. In fact, we know there are over 330 species of hummingbirds, which can be found in North, Central and South America. Did you know they are the smallest migrating birds in existence? But you won't see them traveling in vast numbers like other species, as many of them (like the ruby-throated hummingbird) can usually fly alone for up to 500 miles (805 km) at a time!
Their name describes the humming sound their tiny wings make as they dart from place to place. The amazing thing is that they averagely weigh less than an American nickel. The female hummingbird typically lays two eggs in exceedingly small nests. Interestingly, a flock of hummingbirds can be called a bouquet, a shimmer, a tune, a glittering, or a hover.
Why Are We in Such a Hurry?
We live in a time where everyone is in a hurry to get somewhere, to grow up, to get through prayer time, and move on to other things. Plus, our pressure-cooker society doesn't make it any easier for us. We all have extensive lists of things to do, so we rush around in circles trying to complete them. Let's take a moment to see what we can learn from our friends the hummingbirds. Have you had the time to study them? The truth is that we can learn a great deal from this fascinating bird, including some spiritual revelations... (continue reading)