From the Desk of Steve Shultz:
Ella Onakoya is a friend of ours...and she is a joy to be around. You cannot get around Ella without evangelizing along with her.
We also interviewed her on our Elijah Streams TV show which airs this week and you can watch it right here. As much joy as she portrays, Ella had a rough upbringing and suffered abuse and severe bullying in her youth. Believe me...this episode is life-changing and please share it with everyone you know as it will bring great healing!
Now, I want you to read this amazing new article from Ella as she recently had a profound dream for the youth of our generation.
Our youth needs our prayers, encouragement and support more than ever as God is raising them up to do mighty works for this generation. (To Subscribe to the Elijah List subscribe here.)
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Steve Shultz, Founder and Publisher
The Elijah List & Breaking Christian News

The enemy is on a mission to lay waste the destinies of a future generation of deliverers. From biblical times, the strategy of the enemy has been to stop the rising of these deliverers, including Christ the Messiah. Moses and Jesus were examples of those whose destinies the enemy tried to stop from being fulfilled by trying to kill them from birth.
Never has there been such a time where the younger generation has been earmarked for destruction through gang warfare, drugs and certain satanic rituals. Some of these practices were more apparent before the current lockdown, when it seemed almost daily that we heard reports of kids been killed in gang warfare. Now that the pandemic lockdown is gradually being lifted in nations, we must pray against the resurgence of the onslaught of demonic attacks and murders against our younger generation.
An Urgent Prophetic Dream of Deliverance
I had a very vivid dream where I appeared in a big house. Inside this big house, evil men were being sent to carry out the genocide of children born into royalty, but before they had attained their full royal status. Before I got there, unfortunately, some kids had already been killed, but there were other kids in other parts of the house who happily carried on playing, unaware of the terrible genocide going on in the house.
The house was heavily barricaded, with gates in the front and back, and they were locked so that none of the kids would escape while this terrible genocide went on. I realized I had an assignment to bring the kids out to safety. I gathered all the kids together with a plan to get them out through the back gate. I prayed in my heart that the killers at the front gates would not see what I was planning to do.
The back gate that was securely locked was then supernaturally opened by men, who I believed to be angels, so I was able to get the kids out that way. It was then that I told them their lives were in danger and they were about to be killed and we needed to make haste to escape the vicinity, as far as we could, so that the killers would not find us.
As we walked and ran, it seemed that we passed through towns to escape. One of the kids became exhausted and thirsty so I gave him water from a little cup I was carrying, which refreshed him.
Fueled with spiritual adrenaline, I kept guiding and leading the exhausted kids through towns and cities until we got to a rest house where I felt the kids could safely rest. I put them to sleep in their beds where they finally seemed happy and at peace. Then I woke up.
Dream Interpretation and Its Significance to the Church
My mission in the dream represents the Body of Christ that the Lord is awakening or sending to rescue the younger generation, their future and their destiny from the stronghold of destruction. (Photo via Mountain Home AF)
Heaven's revealed strategy for the rescue mission:
• There must be... (continue reading)