Many of you followed Kim Clement, who was without a doubt one of the most accurate modern-day prophets of our time. What you may not know is that he and his wife Jane heard from the Lord and became a father and mother, through adoption, to5 special needs Chinese children.
One of these was a boy who was left for dead on the side of a road in China. He was born with a facial malformation, that if left untreated, would kill him. Kim and Jane decided to intervene and adopt this boy in order to save his life by getting the treatment he needed.
House of Destiny and Jane Clement would like to share with you this very special documentary. It tells the story of how Kim and Jane fell in love with this boy and saved his life. We will show you never before seen footage of Kim and his family as they heard from God and saved this boy.
The Destiny Worship channel is a comprehensive collection of the wonderful worship songs and special worship moments that we have recorded over the years, and continue to record, all made available to you in an easy to navigate format. Click the image now to watch and listen or go to