Purpose The great Awakening of America is about to occur! 2020 is a pivotal year for the beginning of birth pains of the last great harvest! Something new is falling on Arizona and America as the heavens are ripping open as new portals of Glory are opening up. We just had the stadium event Awaken2020 in January right here in Phoenix. During the shutdown, we had Passover2020 free live streaming and just recently ended the Pentecost live streaming event this Sunday evening. In both events we were able to reach more people through livestream than we would normally do during a physical conference. We received lots of testimonies during the Passover and some are still pouring in from the Pentecost online event that just ended on Sunday. Over 100 countries were watching daily, and some were restreaming the event to their own congregations with mass miracles, glory hitting homes, salvations, deliverances and prophetic revelation for what is ahead!
We are excited to see God explode on the scene this summer as many prophets have prophesied would occur in America! This was prophesied for many years but finally it is here! Will you jump into the move of God now that is starting? This is not business as usual but an impartation for a new infusion of Glory and Power for your destiny and personal walk with God! It is contagious. It is a decade of Awakening!
Between Passover and Pentecost God re-aligns His people for the harvest ahead. These meetings will occur shortly after Pentecost and that which God did during the 50 days will be fully ripe and ready to harvest. Your time to harvest is now! It is time to birth the things that God has started in your life last year. Just as God kicked off the Jesus Movement in the 60's and 70's, this year you absolutely do NOT want to miss your Summer of Awakening appointment with God!
If you could receive an impartation for the next Great Awakening from those that are doing stadium evangelism and bring it back to your church, city, school and ministry would you come to such an event? Of course you would. |
Well guess what... Prophet Tracy Cooke is also coming to Arizona! Ministering to millions globally, Prophet Tracy Cooke established Cooke Revivals Ministry to bring God's revival message through miracles signs and wonders. Thousands have been healed and blessed through his gift of prophesy and Word of Knowledge. He has been a frequent guest on Sid Roth's It's Supernatural as well as a recurring guest speaker on platforms spanning the world such as King Jesus Ministries with Guillermo Maldonado. Together with his wife Shawn Cooke, they are a powerful apostolic and prophetic team that have been called for times such as these.
David Herzog has seen a major increase in the glory, power, and prophetic mantle on his life. The spirit of Awakening has infused him with a fresh mantle to see entire cities open up to the Gospel around the world with salvations, miracles and signs following in stadiums, civic centers, conferences and revivals. He often prophesies and ministers into governments, Presidents and Prime Ministers, mayors as well as those in the Hollywood/Entertainment industry and is a best-selling author.
Stephanie Herzog flows in a powerful prophetic seer gift as well as life transforming revelatory teaching in conferences, stadiums, and revivals. She also flows in a powerful healing/miracle and deliverance gift as she herself was healed of Leukemia at a young age. Stephanie is also an author of her latest book, "God is your Matchmaker."
Patricia King is a respected apostolic and prophetic minister of the Gospel, successful business owner, and an inventive entrepreneur. She is an accomplished itinerant speaker, author, television host, media producer, and ministry network overseer who has given her life fully to Jesus Christ and to His Kingdom's advancement in the earth. She is the founder of Patricia King Ministries and co-founder of XPmedia.com.
Steve Swanson will be rocking us into greater realms of praise and worship breaking through into new dimensions of God's Glory. Something that has never been released before will be released!
At the Summer of Awakening, you can expect to: • | Pick up the spirit of revival |
• | Experience the Glory on new levels |
• | Discover your New Beginnings |
• | Enter into your new season of destiny and awakening |
• | Pass-over into your own Promised Land |
• | Move into greater access and flow in the Glory of God |
• | Experience healing, miracles, signs and wonders |
• | Hear God more clearly for your life |
This 4-day event will be a time of revival fire impartation converging on the Southwest region of the United States with miracles, healings, signs and wonders, to awaken and ignite fresh prayer for a national revival and unveil prophetic revelation for the amazing days ahead!
IMPORTANT: Don't wait, register today! We expect to be fully packed out very soon. Please register while there is still advanced seating available. Global speakers that are generals in the faith have a special urgent message directly from God to release for His people during this time.
Location: Fresh Start Church 14185 N 83rd Ave, Peoria, AZ 85381 Date: June 18-21, 2020 Schedule: Thursday: 7pm Friday: 10am, 2pm, 7pm Saturday: 2pm, 7pm Sunday: 7pm .jpg) $35 Registration Please register each person separately. Registration is Non-Refundable. Contact: 1-888-384-5679 for more information PLEASE NOTE: Childcare is not available |