From the Desk of Steve Shultz:
Please, Elijah List readers, do not skim this article.
Of all Rick Joyner's amazing writings, I consider this article to be perhaps the most pivotal, paradigm-shifting and revelatory word today.
Things have shifted. We've NEVER BEEN THIS WAY BEFORE. And it's clear by what Rick has written here that we are both AT REST and AT WAR!
What? How can these both co-exist? But let me assure you all, they DO...NOW...Co-exist.
Rick writes in this article:
"Those who are seated with Him in the heavenly places are seeing the long-awaited Great Awakening getting traction. The revival of faith in America has already begun."
And yet in another place, you will see Rick has emphatically stated that we have entered a great civil war...but let him explain what that means and roughly what that is looking like.
These are the worst of times and at the same time, they are the very best of times.
Stay tuned. And Keep your prayers ascending to the Father, day and night!
In the battle together with you, in Jesus' name! (To Subscribe to the Elijah List subscribe here.)
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Steve Shultz, Founder and Publisher
The Elijah List & Breaking Christian News

Birth Pangs
"It was the best of times. Courage became more contagious than fear. Riots were replaced with righteousness. There was constant awe and wonder at the great things The Lord was doing, and His peace and joy prevailed over the land." That is what will ultimately be said of these times.
To many it may look like the opposite of the above, but that depends on where you're looking from. Those who are seated with Him in the heavenly places are seeing the long-awaited Great Awakening getting traction. The revival of faith in America has already begun.
We still have storms to get through and some major navigation changes to make for the nation. However, we're not witnessing the end of the American Republic, but rather the birth pangs of a new beginning.
All births are bloody, messy, and come with a lot of pain, as will this one. It is not going to be easy, but it is going to be worth it. Like mothers know, giving birth to new life can be the greatest challenge, but it leads to some of the greatest joy we can ever know. For those of us who live in these times, it will be... (continue reading)