From the desk of Steve Shultz:
Dr. Paul Cox and his team at Aslan's place are well-known for their deliverance ministry, as well as for writing gifted prayers of deliverance.
Even in our Christian walk...we all could use deliverance from time to time...which includes things generationally and from our past, and things we are currently struggling with.
This is a powerful prayer of "righteousness" that Paul and his team put together...and let me just say it goes deep! We've posted words lately of God healing and cleansing His Church Body...and this prayer will really help us.
I encourage you to read this, pray into it and reread it again, even out a prayer declaration over you and your loved ones.
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Steve Shultz, Founder and Publisher
The Elijah List & Breaking Christian News
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"A Prayer of Righteousness to Help Bring Healing and Wholeness"
Dr. Paul L. Cox, Apple Valley, CA
Friends, it has now been almost a week since we wrapped up our March Aslan's Place Academy. This was an incredible week! Not only did we get to learn and fellowship together, God brought lots of new revelation.
Throughout the week, God led us in the construction of our new Righteousness Prayer, which is provided below.
Note: This is a crafted prayer to bring you into a new righteousness and wholeness in Christ. Pray this over yourself as you feel led of the Lord:
Prayer of Removing False Grace
Lord, please remove all (generational and lifetime) false and cheap grace, which is really lawlessness linked to an anti-Christ spirit. I understand that this false grace has resulted in an ungodly connection with the imposter.
"Please release all treasures of wisdom and understanding that are stuck in this realm, and destroy all ungodly hidden windows and doors of darkness so that the enemy can be plundered." |
Lord, please remove all false pathways connected to false grace. On behalf of my ancestors and myself, I repent for ungodly generational dedications, blood sacrifices and other sacrifices to the enemy – including the ungodly sons of God. I repent for wickedness, participation in conspiracies and agreements in high places, and trading of identities and birthrights with the enemy and the ungodly sons of God.
Lord of Hosts, please release Your armies to dismantle and burn all the... (continue reading)