Thank you for your interest in the worship ministry at Metro Calvary! We are a community of believers with a passion to proclaim and celebrate the Love and grace of our Lord Jesus Christ!. We believe in simplicity but strive for excellency! We love to see the name of Jesus high and lifted up! We delight ourselves in serving Him by worshiping Him in songs. Our vision is to provide a musical canvas on which every believer gathered can draw upon! When gathering, His presence amongst us is our most precious reward. We invite you to join us for our time of corporate worship and study of His word every Sunday mornings at 8:30am & 11:00am and Monday nights at 7:00pm. We very much look forward to serving you as we serve Him! As a worship Pastor, I pray that your soul would prosper in all things as you follow Him closely and seek to magnify His name in all you do. May our worship be truly in Spirit and in truth and may it not be confined within the walls of the church but, may we worship Him in words and in deeds at home, at work, at school, in our leisure and in our down time, in our city or abroad, May the name of Jesus be lifted high and may His fame spread throughout all the region around Roseville and around the world! (Matthew 1:28) Thank you to our Sherman Community in joining us to fight childhood hunger. First Baptist Church of Sherman and the Sherman Community Church are now donation sites for our food donations. We will begin distributing food to Sherman Central School in November in 2017 to PreK-1st grades. We are so excited for this opportunity and we continue to thank God as he provides for us and this Ministry. Thank you to the people of Sherman!! Thank you Clymer UMC Adult Sunday School Class!! April 20, 2017 Thank you to the Adult Sunday School Class for organizing, selling and collecting money for a chocolate sale to benefit 5 and 2 Ministry!! We appreciate your help and may God bless you all through your efforts!! Thank you to our Volunteers!! April 20, 2017 A big THANK YOU goes out to all of our volunteers who tirelessly collect food donations, pack food bags, order food, stock shelves, transport bags to CCS and ensure they are delivered on time for distribution!! Also, a huge thank you to all who pray over this Ministry and these bags of food before they are delivered. You ALL know who you are and we appreciate you. May God bless your life through volunteering for this Ministry!! Thank you to all our Donation Sites!! April 19, 2017 Thank you to all of our Donation Sites for hosting our collection bins and promoting our ministry. You are such a crucial part of fighting childhood hunger in our community and we could not begin to tell you how much I appreciate you!! Thank you to all of our Private Donors!! April 19, 2017 Thank you to all of our private donors who have either provided food or monetary donations!! We are so amazed and thankful every week by the amount of donations we receive from our communities. Thank you and may God bless you all through your donations!! Thank you to Clymer PTSO!! April 3, 2017 Thank you for organizing, hosting and collcting food donations for 5 and 2!! We appreciate all or your effort and time. We could not continue to fight childhood hunger without your help. Thank you and may God blesws you all!! Thank you for filling out your information! We’ve sent you an email with [the coupon code/your file download link/your voucher] at the email address you provided. Please enjoy, and let us know if there’s anything else we can help you with. The [Your Company] Team Dear [Your Company] customer, thanks for reaching out! We’re thrilled to hear from you. Our inbox can’t wait to get your messages, so talk to us any time you like. Cheers! Thanks for filling out our form! We will look over your message and get back to you by tomorrow. In the meantime, you can check the FAQ section, look over our new product collection or browse through our latest blog posts will be displayed as Please. Thank you Sarah King, Corry First and H2O Student Ministries!! April 3, 2017 Thank you Sarah King, Corry First United Methodist Church and H2O Student Ministries for supporting us at 5 and 2!! We were so blessed by your innovative idea and by how many juice boxes you were able to collect (150+)!! Thank you and may God Bless your Ministry!!Thank you for visiting Bayside. We have been praying that the Lord would touch you in a special way in this service. In order to get the most out of your visit we recommend: 1. Take your children to our nursery or children's classes. Our children's ministry has care and classes from newborn to 6th grade that meet during this service. If you must keep an infant or toddler with you, please sit towards the back to minimize disruptions. 2. Take advantage of the sermon notes outline. This makes it easy for you to follow along with the speaker. 3. Please do not feel obligated to participate in the offering. This is intended for our regular attenders who consider Bayside their church home. As our guest we only ask that you sign the Weekly Prayer and Information Sheet so Dear Name: On behalf of the X Guild of Seattle Children’s Hospital, thank you for supporting NAME OF EVENT on DATE OF EVENT. Your donation of DESCRIPTION OF ITEM OR SERVICES â€" DO NOT STATE VALUE is greatly appreciated and important to our fundraising success. With your generous giving, the event raised more than $X for Children’s uncompensated care, which ensures every child is cared for regardless of a family’s ability to pay. Three simple words define Seattle Children’s â€" Hope. Care. Cure. Together, the three deliver superior patient care, advance new discoveries and treatments through pediatric research, and serve as the pediatric and adolescent academic medical referral center for Washington, Alaska, Montana and Idaho â€" the largest region of any children’s hospital in the country. For more than 100 years, Seattle Children’s has remained committed to its mission: to prevent, treat and eliminate pediatric disease. The hospital could not do what it does without the generous support of a caring community. Thank you again for your thoughtful gift to Seattle Children’s and the X Guild. Thank you for visiting our website Posted on October 19, 2013 Epworth Rainbow Founded in 1850 and at our present site since 1896, we continue to be a vital congregation in the 21st century. We invite you to join us for worship, mission service, or fellowship opportunities. Located in the historic Freemason district in the heart of downtown Norfolk, Virginia, we invite you to worship God and serve God and others with us. We invite you to take time to visit the pages of our web site, and we hope you will catch our hope for the future, our heartbeat for the present, and our heritage that we are building upon. .